
It was during their first stay in Sicily that Christopher grew increasingly curious about his family history. All he ever heard was that his grandfather came from Sicily. So, he and Joanna decided to do a little digging! They met a nice man at the records office in Termini Imerese, a smallish city sitting just outside the giant shadow cast by Palermo. Hours later they left armed with documents and other hints and clues, and he thought he had a decent but still incomplete understanding as to why his grandfather left Sicily at the age of eight without his parents. Here is Christopher’s grandfather, Tommaso, as a young man.

The new-found knowledge that his Sicilian ancestors were desperately poor, and no gravesites or markers of any kind existed to mark their time and existence was a powerful impetus. It led him on a quest to document what he could, and in doing so, it would be a way to honor them. That effort led to the book, A Letter from Sicily, a fictionalized account of their story. A special emphasis was placed on Tommaso, the young Sicilian boy who left the island with nothing more than the clothes on his back—but someone who eventually would achieve the American Dream.

Bitten by the writer’s bug, Christopher drew on his years of work in law enforcement and wrote another book. This time a crime thriller, Shadow Investigation: DEA Agent Sam Dahl gets more than he bargained for helping a friend find her missing parents who disappeared while boating in the Gulf of Mexico. It’s available for purchase through all the usual online book selling locations.

In March 2024, his third book, Peace River Village, a police crime thriller, was published. It’s also available for purchase on online sites. The basic story is as follows: Four retired detectives living on the same cul-de-sac in a retirement village in Florida take action when the neighbor’s seventeen-year-old granddaughter goes missing and the local police conclude she’s a runaway and dead file the case. The cadre of detectives launch their own investigation, but will their combined experience be enough to solve the mystery before the teen is sold into the lurid underground sex trafficking world? It’s time to buckle that seat belt and get ready for a wild ride that careens from tension to hilarity to horror.